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Medieval Art
--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-10-17, 03:53:38 ---Very cool. How did you do that?
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It's just a lot of manipulation in photoshop and the use of a several robust plug-ins and tweaking. Here's another in the same vein (pun intended), kind of a cool shot of Chris Cameron trying to puncture Sean Hayes's carotid artery :)
Sir Rodney:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-10-19, 15:37:42 ---It's just a lot of manipulation in photoshop and the use of a several robust plug-ins and tweaking. Here's another in the same vein (pun intended), kind of a cool shot of Chris Cameron trying to puncture Sean Hayes's carotid artery :)
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I really like the gritty feeling of your Photoshop enhancements. The realism is evident in Sean's rib-stop as it's obviously seen prior damage from a downward blow. 8)
Sir Martyn:
Good stuff here.
Aiden of Oreland:
I think one of my favorite parts about a lot of these photographs is that they truly capture the way we view our world/hobby (well, at least the way I see it). Really taking my favorite things about medieval life and highlighting them in an artistic way. Kudos to you Ian!
Good stuff!
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