Main > The Great Hall

Hello I'm Mike England

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I have known several members of this order for some time now and finally got around to sending in an application last week.  I guess the thing I would be most known for would be , along with my wife, putting together the joust at the VA ren fair since 2006.  That is our main "hobby" - jousting.  We had been SCA members prior to that, doing some fencing and heavy fighting but pretty much going to work exclusively with the horses around 2004 after our first son was born and free time started getting short.    My main fascination historically is the 14-16th century particularly Germany and England.  I like the concepts of this group and have been interested for quite some time but I think I had the wrong forum link as it didn't seem active.  At any rate I am here now and I hope to participate soon.

Sir Brian:
Welcome to the forum Mike and I'm very glad you finally found us!  :)
Looking forward to many discussions with you here!

Welcome aboard Mike!  Nice to have you among the group!  I do hope you'll enjoy it here.

Sir William:
Well I'll be...I saw you and your wife joust years and years ago when I visited the VARF solo- it was some time before I was inducted into the Order of the Marshal; back then it was just a handful of tents and pavilions- and patrons, or so it seemed at the time.  Welcome to the forums!

Sir Nate:
Welcome to Modernchivalry!


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