Main > The Armoury

A suggestion for custom plate armor

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--- Quote from: scott2978 on 2014-02-21, 23:31:02 ---Wilburnicus: The 3 biggest factors are:

* How historical your armor will be
* What metal it will be made from
* which armorer you choose
--- End quote ---

I would add what level of polish you want on your armor as well.  Polishing is very time consuming and the difference between satin and mirror polishing can be in the $100's.

Mike W.:
Well, in that case I'll wait a decade or two before buying a harness.

Sir Ulrich:
Should of done this for my greaves, they dont exactly fit well over the maille I have, though now that I closed the maille I dont need them nearly as much.


--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-02-21, 23:54:25 ---Well, in that case I'll wait a decade or two before buying a harness.

--- End quote ---

Actually only fabulously wealthy people can afford to buy a whole harness all at once. The best way to do it is to buy it piece by piece and build your harness over time. Once you know what look you're going for, pick just one piece (either the legs or the helmet are best) and hire the best armorer you can and spend the money to get the best one of those you can get. Most of the time it will pay to do the legs first, because that will reduce your fatigue, but sometimes doing the helm first can give you more payback because it's the most visible part of the harness. And it sort of depends on what you'll be using the harness for - a BOTN harness will have different priorities from living history. Once you have that first piece in the oven, start planning the next. Keep going until you reach your goal and make as few compromises as you can manage along the way, and eventually you will own your dream harness that you could never afford to buy all at once.


Mike W.:
That's encouraging at least. But for now, I'm just going to work my way through the armor timeline. Starting out with the 11th century, then progressing to the 14th.


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