Main > The Round Table
Knightly Hairdos
Sir Douglas:
Are you suggesting we all wear lampshades on our head? I think that's how Devo got started. ;)
I'm a coif man, myself. I actually started wearing mine around the shop to keep my hair out of my face. Eventually, I want to make a hood and wear it like a proto-chaperon.
Aiden of Oreland:
It all depends on the social class one is going for
Sir William:
I never saw a hat in period that I liked; I normally don't wear hats though so there's that.
Sir Wolf:
--- Quote from: Stanislaw on 2014-03-06, 02:46:04 ---
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2014-03-04, 05:45:25 ---Or, we could all wear hats, like people actually did in period. Seriously folks, get some hats out there. It's an odd circumstance when one is bareheaded in period.
--- End quote ---
I've got a woolen naalbound hat that should be arriving soon-ish.
We see all sorts of wide-brimmed straw or wool hats in period artwork from almost every era in the medieval age, so I definitely agree that we should be seeing more of them! :)
This Maciejowski Bible image provides some absolutely wonderful examples:
--- End quote ---
dude, you would get 3 thumbs up form me if you got one of those hats
Sir Nate:
How do you put 3 thu.....
Im thinkin of gettin a hat. But I feel like just a hood would suit me fine for a soft kit Or a padded coif.
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