Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Kid popped today.

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Sir Brian:
Huzzah and congratulations! :)

Aiden of Oreland:
I still keep my parents up

Don Jorge:
Congratulations! Sleep is overrated! Just look at that baby's eyes! Nothing else matters once you have a child...or so I am told :)

Sir Humphrey:
Congratulations!  The length and weight are given because there is not much else to report. They all look like Winston Churchill at that age and we can't yet comment on their personality.

Sir Humphrey


--- Quote from: Sir Humphrey on 2014-02-13, 20:29:16 ---Congratulations!  The length and weight are given because there is not much else to report. They all look like Winston Churchill at that age and we can't yet comment on their personality.

Sir Humphrey

--- End quote ---

Best explanation I've heard so far.


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