Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Kid popped today.
Aurora Morrigana Freyja Karp was born today at 5:30am after 9-ish hours in the hospital.
Both mom & kid are fine though no adult involved has gotten more than 1 hr of sleep since yesterday.
PS: Why do folks who are not doctors care about how big the kid was?
Sir Patrick:
HUZZAH!! I'm so happy for you!
Sir William:
--- Quote ---Why do folks who are not doctors care about how big the kid was?
--- End quote ---
The size of a baby used to be an indicator of whether or not that child would be healthy and live beyond childhood. Now, its for bragging rights; it is one of the usual bits of information that are passed on at birth, you know, the gender, length, weight, whether or not the baby was born w/hair and what color, etc.
Forgot to add: CONGRATULATIONS, MAN!!! You're in for it. ;)
Sir Douglas:
I totally read the thread title wrong at first. XD
But huzzah and many congratulations!!! Glad both momma and kiddo are doing well. :D
Aiden of Oreland:
How big was the baby? Haha jk. Congratulations man you're a father!
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