Main > The Armoury

Ed's c.1250-1300 kit(s)

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Sir Brian:
Check out the spaulders from the Armour Gnomes. He might even be able to match the shade of blue in your COA.
(if not I always could at my work since I'm now back in my shop!).  ;)

Sir Wolf:
hmmm I would see if Merc's would make you rerebracers (upper cannon) to match your vambs. that way you can point your new elbows to the upper and lower cannon. sorta like this :  then get a nice early 14thc spaulder to wear over the mail :)

Sir Brian:
hmm, that would look cool!

Sir Wolf:
well what did you decide Sir Ed?  I would seriously pic one of those effigies and build your kit to look a lot like one of them. :) with fudging room of course for modern convinces hehehe.

I gotta work on my kit too. I've been seriously slacking off due to getting my WW2 kit together for my events this fall.

Allan Senefelder:
Ed, i'm doing a set of simple plate rebrace with rondels for Luke Ireland, if thats something like whats being discussed.


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