Main > The Armoury

Ed's c.1250-1300 kit(s)

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Sir Edward:

Jess got done with my gambeson/aketon. It's still a little snug in places (elbow, armpit), but it's not restrictive in combat moves, and I can raise my arms without the body lifting.

Lord Dane:
Looks good Sir Edward. A snug waist belt keeps it from riding up if that problem exists when you lift your arms up. Worked good on my gambeson when I had that problem.

Sir Brian:
Wow! That looks great! Are you going to wear armor over it? - Almost a shame to grunge-ify it but combined with tailored maille you will be very comfortable in your harness!  :)

Sir James A:
Wow, that turned out great! My understanding is the snugness in the arms is what helps keep the body from raising when you lift your arms (snug as compared to the cut of a T-shirt, at least). Unless there is something called the 'grand aissette' (I've butchered the spelling...), which is how the Revival gambesons are, with that "circular" cut look to the sleeves.

Congratulations on the new gambeson! Now the question is ... will the first thing to grungify it be the mail, or Sir Brian and I with our grubby gauntlets?

Also, I do notice a distinct lack of green on it. Perhaps that can be taken care of at next Friday's event... :D

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-08-17, 12:43:47 ---...Also, I do notice a distinct lack of green on it. Perhaps that can be taken care of at next Friday's event... :D
--- End quote ---

Hey thanks for reminding me that I need to get some green tape for my blade Sir James! Also does this mean you'll definitely be going next Friday?  :)


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