Main > The Courtyard

Guess whats happening here & why.

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Guess what is happening, how, & why. :)

Don Jorge:
Shot to the forearm/hand...demi-gauntlet proves to not be good enough!

Sir Douglas:
It almost looks like you're lining up a shot for one really awesome game of armored croquet, but I'm going to guess it's actually something a little more painful than that. ;)


--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-28, 22:11:41 ---It almost looks like you're lining up a shot for one really awesome game of armored croquet...

--- End quote ---

lol, seconded!

Sir William:
If I had to guess, I'd say something hurts and you're cradling it...probably not hands or arms as you could stand straight up and cradle it.  So, what happened?


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