Main > The Round Table
SCA Mercenary Company Nevermore
Sir Martyn:
You bastards!
Looks like a nice gather. I would like to learn more about SCA if I could find a good local (and not too fanatical) group to join up with in the NoVA area.
Sir Edward:
The NoVa area definitely has some active groups. James Barker (mentioned in another thread) served as the local Baron for a while. Depending on which side of NoVA you're in, there are a few Baronies here, I think.
Off hand, I can remember Stierbach and Ponte Alto
Sir Rodney:
--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2014-01-30, 03:43:44 ---You bastards!
--- End quote ---
A nicer compliment we could not ask for! ;D
BTW, our unit historian goes by the name Gareth the Black. He has all black armour, a black great helm, and he runs around with a giant two handed axe affectionately named “fluffy”.
[edited to add]
That's what happens to the mind of a 4th grade teacher after awhile, just say'n. ;)
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