Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Out of Commission

<< < (2/5) > >>

Sir William:
I hope you heal swiftly, Brother.

Sir Douglas:
Yikes! Best wishes for the surgery and the recovery. Get better soon!

Sir Brian:
Yikes!  :o
So sorry to hear that Sir Robert! One of the other members of my WMA group tore his during a saber duel almost a year ago and is just getting back to training last month. It is a very grievous injury and I hope you have a full and quick recovery! 

Sir Robert:
Thank you all brothers, yes its a pretty bad injury, I am trying to ignore that for now and take it as it comes rather than think about it, I personally want the universal remote control or to be knocked out for the duration but that's not going to happen so it will only be what it will be.  Thank you all again.

Best of luck Sir Robert!  Godspeed, and if all else fails, just take 800 mils of motrin and walk it off :)


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