Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


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Sir Brian:
lol, of course you all realize that I can never see the real game of thrones now! ;)

Aiden of Oreland:
Haha, I here by put forth the law that we shall never call it a Rennaisance Fair on this site again!

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-01-27, 15:16:56 ---Haha, I here by put forth the law that we shall never call it a Rennaisance Fair on this site again!

--- End quote ---

But we don't go to medieval faires...

Sir Douglas:
We have to call them "Renaissance Faires" because "Medieval-Renaissance-Elizabethan-Victorian-Viking-Pirate-Fantasy-Fairy-Wizard-Dragon-Steampunk-WhatTheHeckIsThat Faires" is much too long. ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-27, 19:38:35 ---We have to call them "Renaissance Faires" because "Medieval-Renaissance-Elizabethan-Victorian-Viking-Pirate-Fantasy-Fairy-Wizard-Dragon-Steampunk-WhatTheHeckIsThat Faires" is much too long. ;)

--- End quote ---

Hah! So true, so true. :)


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