Main > The Courtyard

Disciplined Formation Tactics

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I believe this is a training exercise for the South Korean police, but this is an excellent video demonstrating the capabilities of a well-disciplined formation of troops fighting against an undisciplined hoard.  Watch how fluidly they reinforce sections of the line that need it, how they advance their line to gain ground and simultaneously surround elements of the enemy.  Pretty cool to watch!  Now imagine this in Ancient Rome or Greece or on a medieval battlefield!

Sir Martyn:
Wow.  Most impressive.

Aiden of Oreland:
Extraordinary really. So much control and how they move as one is killer. Maybe our police force could learn a thing or two from this. The best part is, they didn't use anything but their shields and made it none lethal. I ponder to how this all ended? The number of the "undisciplined hoard" increased throughout the video.

Sir Nate:
I'm going to join riot control when I'm older, lol.
There movements and ability to seperate the crowd is amazing

Sir Douglas:
If the Anglo-Saxon shield wall had been this disciplined at Hastings, things might have ended differently. ;)

That maneuver they did around the 3 minute mark was wild; I've never seen anything like that before.


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