Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Thorsteinn's got engaged!
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2014-01-22, 21:04:45 ---Are those..... are those d20 chocolates??
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Alas not yet though that is a potentiality along with gourmet suckers.
Those are our White & Dark Peanut Butter Truffles made using a faceted dome mold. :)
We have 7-ish flavors.
Sir Rodney:
Congratulations! That is great news. I wish the very best for you and your new family. :)
[Remember, happy wife = happy life] ;)
Aiden of Oreland:
Congradulations! You took an arrow to the knee!(many people don't know this, but taking an arrow to the knee means getting married. Cupids arrow and one knee to propose) looks like your adventuring days are over. Hey! Now you guys can make a quartered coat of arms ;) . But anyways, I wish you both the best of luck! Did you decide on a name for your child? *cough cough* Aiden is a great name.
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-01-23, 05:16:50 ---Did you decide on a name for your child? *cough cough* Aiden is a great name.
--- End quote ---
Well her name will be "Aurora Morrigana Freyja Karp" and we're naught but 2 weeks for the due date. :)
Though my Fiancee thinks Aidan would be nice if it were a boy.
Sir Martyn:
Congrats, Thorsteinn!
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