Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

So much SNOW!(sorry for caps, but it's true)

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Sir Martyn:
Ian -

Sir Brian and Sir Edward can confirm we got little more in the greater DC area - yet my girls were inexplicably out of school AGAIN for a third day today - while I had to go to work.   :(

Oh well, be thankful always for gainful employment, I suppose.  Still, one would be more fond if we were off to the lists... :)


--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2014-01-23, 19:02:11 ---Ian -

Sir Brian and Sir Edward can confirm we got little more in the greater DC area - yet my girls were inexplicably out of school AGAIN for a third day today - while I had to go to work.   :(

Oh well, be thankful always for gainful employment, I suppose.  Still, one would be more fond if we were off to the lists... :)

--- End quote ---

I did manage a day off of work.  They only had essential personnel report in the greater Hampton Roads area since most of the secondary streets here were iced over.  I had to go in today on a two hour delay.  So I'm not complaining! :)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, they closed our offices for two days. We were still on the hook to do work remotely, but often that becomes a sort of half-day for us. Usually the work load is diminished a bit just because it takes longer for people to communicate when they're not in the same building.

Sir Brian:
Yeah the shut down the Shipyard on Tuesday and had a two hour delay on Wednesday but today was back to a full day of trying to keep everything on the waterfront heated enough so the pipes wouldn't freeze and getting the steel warm enough to paint. - Basically threw all our delivery schedules out of whack. Next week is going to be hell!  :-\

Sir Rodney:
They closed schools the Twin Cities again today.  Kids who live within 2 miles of their school are expected to walk, so -36 F wind-chill is just too cold.


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