Main > The Armoury

14th Century Arming Coat Patterns?

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Sir Douglas:
Yup, that's where I get my linen, too. 8)

I'm thinking about making this my first project for mig mid 14th cent persona and was wondering if the Charles de Blois Pourpoint would be historical for an English knight at this time.
I know Sir Ian have made a fine looking example, but if I remember correctly your kit is from late 14th and was wondering how much this part had changed?

Also a bit worried about the form, it looks rather form fitting and my physical form is mostly...round.

Lord Dane:
I have a black one for my 14th century look. It works fine for my English persona. :)

Another piece of advice on the "Dandelion" CdB:   make a photocopy of all the pattern pages, and use the photocopies to assemble your pattern. Save the originals to make future patterns.

As for shape, it might take more trial and error during the initial stages when you're making your muslin prototype to get it just right, but I don't think it would stop you from making one. You'll definitely also need more fabric than the directions say. These obstacles shouldn't deter a determined effort though. As with any 'hand made' garment, making it will take dedication, but if you have the will and the right tools and materials, any adult could make one using this pattern. The best part of it is that at the end, you have a custom fitted garment that fits you perfectly because you made it to fit your body instead of buying an off the shelf size.

I've seen som effigies where some sort of "arming coat" is visible at about kneelenght, beneath the mail, would this work for that as well? it seems to be fairly short in the pictures I've seen.


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