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Behold the Marshal by R W Hamilton (Author)

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Sir Patrick:
Picked it up for a buck today on kindle. Not very fired up about it so far. Not very historically accurate and the prose is a bit stilted. Had to stop reading after Marshal pulls apart some hauberk rings with his bare hands and then uses them to staple a wound closed. Check out The Greatest Knight and it's sequel The Scarlet Lion by Elizabeth Chadwick for a more accurate rendition if the tale.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-01-24, 19:19:36 ---Marshal pulls apart some hauberk rings with his bare hands and then uses them to staple a wound closed

--- End quote ---

He's just THAT hardcore! :D

Sir Patrick:
Did I mention he pulled said rings out if a wound in his own body before prizing them apart? ::)

Sir Wolf:
wha? aw man that stinks. sorry guys

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-01-25, 00:24:12 ---Did I mention he pulled said rings out if a wound in his own body before prizing them apart? ::)

--- End quote ---

Ah, that changes things. From "hardcore" to "hardcore +5", or something like that. ;)


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