Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Eat like a hobbit Sunday.

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Sir Douglas:
I was in eat-like-a-Hobbit mode yesterday, too. By which I mean I had two toaster pastries instead of just one. I'm an extremely light eater most of the time. :P

Sir William:
Then you're doing it wrong, Douglas.  lol

I can't eat like that anymore...its gotten so that watching my intake is an unconscious action more often than not.  I avoid buffets for that specific reason- I'm not going to get my money's worth and truthfully, it doesn't even taste that good to me anymore.  I do miss it though...Old Country Buffet was my best friend on Sundays; I used to take my daughters there on Sundays and we'd get there just before the church rush.  Good times.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, for most of us, the metabolism changes a bit with age. When I was in my early '20s, I could eat a half-gallon of ice cream and still lose weight. I weighed about 60 lbs less than I do now.

Now I have to be more careful. The weight slowly creeps upward if I eat everything I want and don't exercise.

Sir Nate:
You just need to have the meals pippin describes. Including tea.
I think bacon should be included for breakfast.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-01-14, 20:05:36 ---When I was in my early '20s, I could eat a half-gallon of ice cream and still lose weight. I weighed about 60 lbs less than I do now.

Now I have to be more careful. The weight slowly creeps upward if I eat everything I want and don't exercise.

--- End quote ---

Amen; for me, it was another plate of fried chicken, mashed pots and green beans (OCB, I miss you lol) but in either case, I could eat like that and not gain a pound.  Now, if I look at food wrong I'm gaining.  So not fair!

I weighed myself over the weekend, I'm 200 lbs.  Heaviest I've ever been in my entire life.  I have a small frame, so its pretty ugly right about now.  Thing is, I'm not stressing over it like I think I should be, I'm almost to the point of not caring.  A favorite pair of khaki's no longer fits due to the excess spare tire; I'm just so disgusted with it all.  Curiously though, I feel no real compunction to do anything about it.  I look at my uncles, who were all my size when they were roughly my age...and with one exception (two if you count my Dad), all the rest of them are well over 200 and have the big guts to prove it.


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