Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Eat like a hobbit Sunday.

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Sir William:
I don't think I want to be this heavy ever again...it isn't just the fatigue or inertia but I move slower, stairs are more of an issue (I have two sets of staircases at home and I'm up and down them several times a day) and well...sitting is much easier than standing, standing is much easier than walking about and run...well, I generally don't run at all.  lol

Sir James A:
Geez, 230 was my ceiling, and I'm shorter than almost everyone. Maybe all those times my parents said NOT to eat cake, or frosting, or cookies, or ice cream for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or all 3 ... maybe, just maybe, they were slightly just a little bit partially right?

Sir Patrick:
I've found resistance traing to be the easiest way to keep it off. For every year a man is over the age of 30, he loses 1 pound of muscle to fat. It's muscle that burns up a lot of calories, so as it goes to fat your metabolism slows down. I do a total body weight routine 3 times a week for roughly an hour. Here's the best part:  I also eat just under 3000 calories per day spread out over 6 meals ( talk about a Hobbitt)! Obviously there's a lot more protien than candy in that diet, but I'm never hungry. I'm 41 and 6 FT 2. I topped out at 200 before I hit the weights. I'm "down" to 190, but more importantly, my body fat went from 24 to 18 so I've traded A LOT of fat for muscle (which looks way better IMO).

Sir William:
That is good news, Sir Patrick- it means there's hope after all after 40.  I just turned 41 and need to get my arse in gear, so to speak.  Basically, I took a whole year off from physical activity.

Sir Martyn:
Gentlemen - again I find myself inspired.  Many familiar stories here - too bad we don't live close enough to organize a medieval fitness group :)  I have to make it through this next six months - after that will have more time to fit in exercise and healthy hobbies (like HEMA).  But ugh, the waistline has been getting tight again the last 3-4 months :(


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