Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Christmas in Armor
Don Jorge:
Did Maxim do those legs too? Did you have to send him a foam cast of your leg for cased greaves etc?
Lord Dane:
Wow!! Look at the size of that sword. Sir James, I bet you couldn't hack the hair off a feline's tail without missing. I dare you!! Double dog dare you!!! Take pics too. :P Send me whatever is left for some fuzzy slippers.
Dude I know it's not 'period' ( ;) ) but you're allowed to smile from time to time in photos!
Sir Douglas:
I approve of this on so many levels.
Also, I see your "French knight" managed to get a little up-tasset shot. How saucy. ;)
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-01-06, 17:57:06 ---look at all of those un armoured areas.... that needs to be fixed lol
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Can do! Send me your bank info so I can get an armorer paid, and let's get it done! :)
--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2014-01-06, 18:01:21 ---Did Maxim do those legs too? Did you have to send him a foam cast of your leg for cased greaves etc?
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Allan at MercTailor did the cuisses, greaves are by HammerBreaker, and sabatons are by Mad Matt. No casts, just measurements, and he did a fannn-tastic job at it. I can barely get them on with jeans, and it involves using a butter knife to squish stuff into the seams. It would be perfect with hosen. The fitment is crazy good considering he worked off just measurements.
--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2014-01-06, 18:33:24 ---Wow!! Look at the size of that sword. Sir James, I bet you couldn't hack the hair off a feline's tail without missing. I dare you!! Double dog dare you!!! Take pics too. :P Send me whatever is left for some fuzzy slippers.
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Alas, I can't do anything about this. My sword protects and serves the masters - that is, the cats. :)
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-01-06, 18:39:08 ---Dude I know it's not 'period' ( ;) ) but you're allowed to smile from time to time in photos!
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I'm smiling in half the pictures. The visor is just down. ;)
Pics were also taken around 11pm after I worked all day, not actually on Christmas day - and after a big dinner. I was worn out from the holiday travels and work. I forgot my gauntlets and boots on Christmas day, so I had to postpone photos. Let's just say holiday "diet" is not kind to armor fitment!
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-06, 19:07:55 ---I approve of this on so many levels.
Also, I see your "French knight" managed to get a little up-tasset shot. How saucy. ;)
--- End quote ---
LOL I just noticed that. Awesome! Next time, I'll show a little ankle, too.
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