Main > The Great Hall

Greetings to All

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-One of said SCA folk.

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met!

In the blazon of your heraldry what color are the foxes? If no color is mentioned is it assumed they are 'proper'?  ???

Michael de Faifaix:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2014-01-06, 01:43:01 ---Hail and well met!

In the blazon of your heraldry what color are the foxes? If no color is mentioned is it assumed they are 'proper'?  ???

--- End quote ---

Sorry about that Sir Brian, the color of the foxes are Or with sable rings on the tail..I forgot what the propper term is...

and thank you to all for the warm welcome to the forum as well!

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!

Sir Douglas:
Welcome and well met!  :)


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