Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Snowed In
Sir Edward:
We didn't get snowed in over here, but it was enough that they closed our offices on Friday. Today, with the ice and semi-freezing rain, there were accidents and some roads closed in the Leesburg area. Just generally icky out there.
Sir Wolf:
? ya i keep hearing about ice freezing rain today and all these accidents and stuff. we had nothing. almost 40 and grey skys
Sir Patrick:
We got a foot (which is a lot in St Louis). Tomorrow the high will be zero with -30 windchills. Roads should be cleared in time for work though :(
Sir Ulrich:
I almost slipped on black ice letting my husky out, then she slipped and almost hurt herself, had my dad put salt out, also our house is low on food thankfully with my mini fridge I dont have to worry about "eating all thats mine" before people eat it on me so I am doing quite ok, other than worrying about ice. Feels like I am on Hoth in Star Wars ESB.
Sir Nate:
Oh my god so much snow past weekend. This Morning was 60 and rainy. As write this it is below 20
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