Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Medieval Madness Dinner Theater

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Sir Brian:
February 1 at 7:00 PM.

Sir William:
Oh good, a Saturday.  That's definitely feasible...going to speak to my better half about that tonight.

Sir James A:
Chris has confirmed with me, but unsure if he will make 7PM due to work or not. So it will be Chris and I.

Aiden of Oreland:
So it is only an hour? I thought it said 4:30-8:00? Also, do we tell them we are part of the group and they will give us the discount tickets of $45? I mean if its only an hour I may not go because, no offense, I don't know if i want to pay that much money. Plus my guardians would not approve. For i still have to pay for a hotel

Sir Brian:
No there is only one dinner/show on that Saturday starting @ 7:00 PM. The website states there are two shows but there is only one. Also we won't have to rush off after the dinner/show is over. :)

After I make the initial reservations then everyone can call in and purchase their tickets at the group rate. Realize however in my other post that the larger group of 8 or more pay $45.00 PLUS taxes and gratuity for a total of $57.88 per person. ;)


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