Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Medieval Madness Dinner Theater
Sir Martyn:
I just called and they're not answering - so will call and purchase tomorrow.
This will indeed be a grand time :) I'm also thinking about forgoing the chain and just wearing the appropriate accouterments, but will defer to the group.
If armed for war we must be, then it will be so!
Sir Edward:
Yep, soft-kit or light-armor will be most comfortable for everyone, I think.
Sir James A:
If I get my hauberk done, I'll wear it with my Templar gear. Otherwise, I'll be going in soft kit / assassin garb.
Sir Brian:
I'm still undecided and will wait for the weather forecast. If it is colder I will wear armor for the benefit of the gambeson and if warmer then I'll go in my soft kit. :-\
Aiden of Oreland:
I don't exactly have a "soft kit" unless i can get by wearing the medieval pants, boots and short sleeve black gambeson. Otherwise, I am sticking with the half sleeve maille shirt.
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