Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
so... we got a castle for Christmas this year.
Sir Wolf:
now we just gotta put it together and color it
lol. a niece got it for my kids this year. am i lazy for thinking about using spray paint for the base coat? lol
Don Jorge:
Those instructions look backward...it will be infinitely easier to color THEN build...
Sir Edward:
Spray paint sounds great for the base coat, but it'll paint right over all the lines that the kiddos are supposed to use. Unless you *want* them to be more creative. :)
Sir James A:
Nice! If it has pre-drawn lines, I'd color it before assembly. If it doesn't have pre-drawn lines, color it after assembly so that the corners will match up with each other.
Post pics when it's done... or ban!
Sir Douglas:
Can I come over and play in it...er, I mean, help set it up?
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