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This Years schedual of events

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Sir Wolf:
how about a full listing of this years events for everyone.

MTA, Jamestown VA: March 20-22

Clontarf, Havre de Grace, Maryland: April 4-5,

MTT, Glen Dale MD: April 18-19,
Ashville Viking Festival, Ohio: April 25/26/2009,

Frederick Celtic Festival, Frederick, Maryland: May 9th,

Roman Days, GM Univ, Northern VA: September 25-27

Reenactor Fest VI, Cherry Hill, NJ: December 4-6, 2009  Clarion Hotel & Conference Center

BARF (FL):   February ? - April ?

NCRF*:   March 28 - April 5

GARF:   April 18 - June 7

TennRen:   May 2 - May 25

VARF*:   May 16 - June 14

KYRF:   May 30 - July 19

NJRK*:   May 31 - June 21

PARF Celtic Fling*:   June 27-29?

Sterling NY*:   July 4 - August 16

GLMF:   July 11 - August 16

Bristol (IL/WI):   July 11 - September 7

Tux NY:   August 1 - September 20

PARF*:   August 8 - October 25 ?

Pitt*:   August 22 - September 27

MDRF*:   August 29 - October 25

Ohio:   September 5 - October 25

CTRF:   September 26 - October 18

CRF*:   October 10 - November 22

Das Bill:
Western Martial Arts Workshop (WMAW): September 10-13
(Website for 2009 is't ready yet, but they are working on it)

International Swordfighting and Martial Arts Symposium (ISMAC): May 22-25

Sir Matthew:
School of the Musketeer, Fort Mifflin, Philadelphia, Pa, April 17-19. 2009.

Sir Wolf:  pictures of jamestown's MTA

Sir Wolf:

 MTT, Glen Dale MD: April 18-19,

 is coming up soon. come see me!!


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