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Aiden of Oreland:
You know, I can never outgrow Shrek. I find it funny, with pretty awesome scenes, and contains hunor for all ages. Personally, the first and second ones are my favorite. One of my favorite scenes is when the Giant ginger bread man is coming at the castle. The 3rd one was okey, I disliked the 4th one. I found that it was incredibly pountless. I found the soundtrack in the movies to be really fitting. They have good plots. The character designs, art and scenery. But, we are all mature hear, maybe not Sir Wolf... Haha I'm just kidding, anyway, how does a 3 foot tall donkey have sex with a 30 foot tall dragon?!? And have children!?! One more thing, Robin Hood was French!

Over all, Shrek is a great movie for all ages. It is well made, and I can't get tired of it. If you havn't scene then you better watch it in the next 24 hours. Or I will look for, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Lord Dane:
Robin Hood?? .. French?? Did you say "FRENCH"!?!?!  >:( Grrrrrrrr!!! How dare you insult an 'English man' with such dastardly insinuations. We need a new rule forum rule ... No implying that the French served any good in medieval life except as fodder for English arms. :) All in favor? AYE!!!

OK fine....

Robin Hood was a meshugah Goy who dated a good for nothing shikse (at least that's what my Zaidi, CinĂ¡ed ben Yussel,  told me).


Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-12-23, 13:45:34 ---Robin Hood?? .. French?? Did you say "FRENCH"!?!?!  >:( Grrrrrrrr!!! How dare you insult an 'English man' with such dastardly insinuations. We need a new rule forum rule ... No implying that the French served any good in medieval life except as fodder for English arms. :) All in favor? AYE!!!

--- End quote ---

Oh dear me! You misunderstand me, me' Lord, Shrek depicts him as a French! Observe:

Sir Nate:
This movie shall be sacked. And those who were responsible for sacking the movie shall then be sacked.


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