Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Game: "Kingdom Come: Deliverance"
Sir Edward:
Don Jorge:
Gah so excited!
Sir Douglas:
He totally ran that guy over on purpose at 2:03.... ::)
That's cool that they're trying to make horses behave more like intelligent animals instead of just a four-legged vehicle. That's something that never really occurred to be all those times I've...accidentally run my horse off a mountain in Skyrim. A real horse would probably object to that idea.
So now I know what will motivate me to get a non-potato system for gaming... 8)
Sir William:
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-02-06, 16:37:43 ---He totally ran that guy over on purpose at 2:03.... ::)
That's cool that they're trying to make horses behave more like intelligent animals instead of just a four-legged vehicle. That's something that never really occurred to be all those times I've...accidentally run my horse off a mountain in Skyrim. A real horse would probably object to that idea.
--- End quote ---
Or how about running on foot down the side of a mountain in full harness?
One thing I'll say about PC games, the modding community is large and talented. I've seen some screens of Skyrim with a medieval mod that made all the armor look much more authentic...I want to say Sir Ian posted some shots of that.
In any event, I'm slowly getting excited about this game...it may be the reason why I upgrade one or the other of my consoles (haven't done so yet because I like the library I've amassed over the last few years).
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