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20 Rules of Being a Man
Sir Patrick:
Came across this on a fitness site and couldn't agree more.
Interesting stuff.
Sir James A:
Aside from #9, which I call "noticing and vocalizing tedious things that annoy me and I have no control over, but I feel better when I get to vent about it", that's a pretty good list. Only thing I would add is bear and/or crocodile wrestling.
Sir Patrick:
I thought that was a given ;)
Sir Nate:
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-12-01, 08:08:23 ---Aside from #9, which I call "noticing and vocalizing tedious things that annoy me and I have no control over, but I feel better when I get to vent about it", that's a pretty good list. Only thing I would add is bear and/or crocodile wrestling.
--- End quote ---
Don't forget being very dangerous over short distances. Having a beard, and going swimming,with little Harry women!
(Gimli embodies being a man)
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