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Interesting footwear article but...

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... it proves, yet again, that Mr Clements cannot write an article without bashing someone:

"While I myself have no knowledge of historical footwear construction, I can note that reenactors have no reputation as serious martial arts practitioners. Their opinions on footwear should therefore be suspect, given how much of a pass they have long given to the ubiquitous heavy boots worn by so many enthusiasts claiming authenticity."


And he, again, makes claims that are false:

"Keep in mind, groups like the notorious Sca, well-known for abysmal footwork in their ahistorical combat sport, have long had a requirement in their fighting rules to wear steel-toed shoes (which actively discourages any need to stand or move correctly)."

Sir Douglas:
Well, it has a lot of really good pictures, at least.

He makes a good point in the beginning, and has some nice recommendations in the end, but the middle is sad.


--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-11-30, 18:51:36 ---... it proves, yet again, that Mr Clements cannot write an article without bashing someone:

"While I myself have no knowledge of historical footwear construction, I can note that reenactors have no reputation as serious martial arts practitioners. Their opinions on footwear should therefore be suspect, given how much of a pass they have long given to the ubiquitous heavy boots worn by so many enthusiasts claiming authenticity."


--- End quote ---

I didn't see a date on this article.  I'd be interested in knowing when he wrote it.  But obviously that quote is all kinds of full of sh**.  I can name plenty of reenactors that wear very period correct footwear and are simultaneously very proficient in HEMA.  Some of whom even have very reputable published works on both HEMA and Living History.

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-11-30, 18:53:15 ---And he, again, makes claims that are false:

"Keep in mind, groups like the notorious Sca, well-known for abysmal footwork in their ahistorical combat sport, have long had a requirement in their fighting rules to wear steel-toed shoes (which actively discourages any need to stand or move correctly)."

--- End quote ---

I'm not trying to  be antagonistic but what's false about this particular statement?  Does the SCA not require steel-toed shoes, I have no idea?    But the footwork is surely not what is in any sort of fighting treatise, because John is right that SCA fighting is an ahistorical combat sport. That gets people's panties in a bunch for some reason, but it was never meant to be historical.  That however doesn't make it an invalid sport.


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