Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Thanksgiving Thanks
Aiden of Oreland:
I am thankful for having a great family, a job, a great education, and agree with my brother to be apart of this community. The beasts were fine! I adored the confection! Lets be thankful for being able to even have this feast.
I'm grateful for my girlfriend whom has been crazy enough to be with me for 6 months as of today.
Sir Martyn:
Gentlemen - allow me to also give thanks and to wish you all a happy and safe celebration - hope you all managed to spend at least some time with friends and family over the holiday.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-11-28, 17:54:02 ---I'm most thankful for having the opportunity to be home with my daughter for her first Thanksgiving and what will be her first Christmas instead of being deployed!
--- End quote ---
That is good news. Huzzah!
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