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Das Bill:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2010-12-10, 21:18:06 ---But as far as "bang for your buck" goes, how are they?
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If you can't afford anything else, they'll do, but they balance poorly. They feel too short to be a two handed sword, but balance very far along the blade making them sluggish for a one hander. I prefer them as single handers.

--- Quote ---Are they safe for sparring? (main concern)
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That's hard for me to answer, as I don't know how you do free play. I've used them, and they're as safe/unsafe as a wooden waster is. (And I'm going to be pedantic here for a second, but there's no such thing as "sparring" with a weapon, despite what everyone says... you fence with a weapon, you free play, you bout, but when you spar, by definition, you are doing so empty handed. :) )

--- Quote ---Do they handle anything like a sword?
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Not like a very good sword, no.

--- Quote --- Is the handling bad enough to prevent proper technique?
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Well, no. But you need proper technique in order to handle them well. :)

--- Quote ---(knowing cold steel, I bet they're at least gonna last for a long time)

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Well, being plastic, they will probably survive the apacolypse. :)

Many of us have given Cold Steel feedback on how to improve these *imensely* with only minor modifications that shouldn't affect the price much, but alas, they haven't done anything yet. We'll see what the future holds, but right now I give these a rating of 6 out of 10, and that factors in the price. I don't hate them, but they aren't good, either.

Ok. Yeah, I'm trying to start a fencing club at my school, and as we have an immensely low low budget, that's really about the only way we could get "safe" swords into 15-20 peoples hands ASAP. Whenever we need some nice handling, I'll bring in my tinker.

Sir Edward:

That's a good way to look at it, I think. If you just need something crappy to get something in the hands of 20 people, then they're probably a good starting point. I'd encourage anyone serious about continuing to upgrade to a better trainer, of course.

Das Bill:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2010-12-11, 19:57:54 ---Ok. Yeah, I'm trying to start a fencing club at my school, and as we have an immensely low low budget, that's really about the only way we could get "safe" swords into 15-20 peoples hands ASAP. Whenever we need some nice handling, I'll bring in my tinker.

--- End quote ---

For that, they'll do. But if you're on a real budget, I suggest using some hard wood dowels. They're dirt cheap, and they're a good enough to learn basics. If anyone wants to have something nicer, they have to buy it themselves. :)

OK. I'm a little lateon this but what the heck...
I have 7 years of Tae Kwon Do, 1 year of Foire HEMA, and 11 years of being an SCA Heavy in the West Kingdom.

So, Do y'all have questions about injury rates and whatnot?

C'mon ask me something. I'm sick with the flu and unemployed. Gimme something to do.



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