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Das Bill:
There are prototypes in existence, but they aren't on the market yet, so no, those are not the updated versions. They might flex *more* in the last third, but they still flex all over the blade. Trust me, these are not martial arts tools. They're toys. Like I said, though, they show promise that better ones can be made, but for now the Purpleheart Armory ones are much, much better.

Sir Edward:
These are the ones Bill is referring to (as being good):

I have one of these as well. They're cost effective, durable, and don't flex nearly as much. Though they also hit harder in a thrust as a result of course.

Oh. Well I'm giving those a wide berth then.
Anyone have anything to say about the cold steel longsword trainers?

Das Bill:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2010-12-09, 22:06:10 ---Anyone have anything to say about the cold steel longsword trainers?

--- End quote ---

You get what you pay for. :)

But as far as "bang for your buck" goes, how are they?
Are they safe for sparring? (main concern)
Do they handle anything like a sword? Is the handling bad enough to prevent proper technique?
Anything else I might want to know? (knowing cold steel, I bet they're at least gonna last for a long time)


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