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Sir William:
My sister and I spar using steel can be quite painful, but also fun.

HAHA, thats hilarious!  :D :D :D
My sister would NEVER do anything that cool. She's simply afraid to walk into my room. The full sized halberd propped up against the door, and her recent experience of stubbing her toe on my warhammer (whilst pilfering my music no less!  :o Serves her right!) might have something to do with it.....

Sir William:
I think my sister may have more weapons than I do...her collection's certainly more varied than mine.  She used to get bamboo staves from some local business and we'd spar with those as well, when armor wasn't available or too much trouble to bother with.  lol

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-11-16, 16:17:44 ---I've seen some of those new plastic trainers in MRL's catalog...might give them a go and see how I like it.  We may all have to get one for sparring sessions initially until we're all in a trusting frame of mind.  :)

--- End quote ---

I used my polyurethane waster at the last session of MASHS on Sunday while the instructor used his wood waster. The poly held up very well. :)

Sir William:
Good to know, Sir Brian...these poly bladed swords seem to be pretty durable, based on your account and the reviews of some other folk.  I find wooden wasters to be somewhat fragile...but I guess it is like anything else in life, you get what you pay for and I got some of those on the cheap.  lol


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