Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Medieval village.

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Sir James A:
Would you mind sending some of the good stuff over to this side of the pond? I know we won't get the historical castles, but, some "new construction" in historical style would be great. :)

Sir William:
If I ever hit the lottery, we'll have our own medieval town.  Or something like.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-11-19, 20:14:24 ---
Yep, we posted the link on the FB page yesterday. Very cool!

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Oops sorry if you have already seen it.

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-19, 20:19:35 ---Would you mind sending some of the good stuff over to this side of the pond? I know we won't get the historical castles, but, some "new construction" in historical style would be great. :)

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lol, Sorry I`m not too sure about medieval sites over there Sir James. But here is my favorite medieval site in Wales that is not a castle. We have an event here next May and some people will get to populate the buildings etc etc....

A good google image search will bring up plenty more photographs etc.

Sir Douglas:
Cool! Now that's how you do it. I just wish I understood German so I knew what they heck they were saying in that one video. XD

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-19, 20:19:35 ---Would you mind sending some of the good stuff over to this side of the pond? I know we won't get the historical castles, but, some "new construction" in historical style would be great. :)

--- End quote ---

We have some medieval-period stuff over here in the States. It just all happens to be of the Native American variety. ;)
But yes, I would have entirely too much fun in a reconstructed medieval European village like that.

Sir Wolf:


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