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helm help.

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Sir Vander Linde:
I've decided I need a new helmet, the one I have no longer matches the majority of my kit.
so  I find myself stuck between my odd tastes,  I want to either go with a Sallet or a visored kettle or a transitional piece between the two. not sure which is best. so just asking for an opinion on what you guys think would work best.

my armor currently is Gothic in style, and I have a morion helm of all things. I currently only have a breast plate, shoulders, arms and hands. (excuse the lack of actual names of the parts) all but the breast plate and morion are made in the Czech republic, and I'm looking to get a helm from a smith over there.

unfortunately the pic I have is to large.

You can't beat a nice Sallet with Bevor for that gothic look.  If you have a photo of what you've got currently and it's hosted at another site like Flickr or photobucket, you can link to it using the img tags and you won't have to upload directly and thus not worry about the size limit:

To link an image from another site just type:

--- Code: ---[img][/img]
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just replace 'your image location' with your correct URL and your image name with the name of the actual file.  Being able to see what you've already got will really help.

Jiri Keplac-

Jolly Knight-

Sir James A:
Agreed on Sir Ian's sallet vote.

--- Quote from: Sir Vander Linde on 2013-11-18, 15:06:49 ---I currently only have a breast plate, shoulders, arms and hands. (excuse the lack of actual names of the parts)
--- End quote ---

Breast plate = breast plate, unless you have a back plate too, which can be "breast and back", or typically when it has faulds and/or tassets I see it as "cuirass"

Shoulders = spaulders or pauldrons (I've recently been told spaulders should be spaudlers, but you'll see spaulders 99% of the time)

Arms = arm harness usually, sometimes just "vambrace". If you have the type that isn't attached to itself fully and ties on, it is "point tied" or "floating".

Would like to see some pictures too

Sir Douglas:
For Gothic-style armor, I'd definitely cast my vote for a sallet as well. I'm rather fond of the longer ones myself, but that's just me. They look so sleek and intimidating. :)

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-18, 23:37:57 ---
(I've recently been told spaulders should be spaudlers, but you'll see spaulders 99% of the time)

--- End quote ---

I've never heard that before. I'm curious now; any more info on that?


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