Main > The Round Table
Here Come The Holidays
My buxom fair madien will be preparing a splendid feast of roast turkey, potatoes, salads, and apple pie! Eagerly awaiting this, I am. Then this old bird celebrates his 32nd birthday on Black Friday!
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: LionPride32 on 2013-11-27, 14:45:50 ---My buxom fair madien will be preparing a splendid feast of roast turkey, potatoes, salads, and apple pie! Eagerly awaiting this, I am. Then this old bird celebrates his 32nd birthday on Black Friday!
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OLD?? At 32?? Sir, them's fighting words! (From a 34 year old ;))
Hehe well, by High Middle Ages standards, we'd be c onsidered well past our prime.....even though we know that's hogwash!!! Fighting words eh?? Challenging me to a duel??? Let me get my kit complete first, if you please!
--- Quote ---Then this old bird celebrates his 32nd birthday on Black Friday!
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Speaking of old: My 1st born is due in about 2+ months, and may be born right on my....
After the party there will be burning and pillaging fun for all involved. (We don't need Fallon anyway. ;) )
BTW: Did I mention my lady is most of 10 years my junior? Seriously, she was born after the Princess Bride came out.
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: LionPride32 on 2013-11-27, 15:39:18 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-27, 15:10:26 ---
--- Quote from: LionPride32 on 2013-11-27, 14:45:50 ---
My buxom fair madien will be preparing a splendid feast of roast turkey, potatoes, salads, and apple pie! Eagerly awaiting this, I am. Then this old bird celebrates his 32nd birthday on Black Friday!
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OLD?? At 32?? Sir, them's fighting words! (From a 34 year old ;))
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Hehe well, by High Middle Ages standards, we'd be c onsidered well past our prime.....even though we know that's hogwash!!! Fighting words eh?? Challenging me to a duel??? Let me get my kit complete first, if you please!
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I've got dibs on the winner of this duel! - After I get my new COP of course! ;)
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