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My Kit...14th Century for CotT (SCA Legal)

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-11-16, 17:33:34 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-11-15, 23:51:59 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-15, 23:39:52 ---The primary goal for DoK is to keep out fairies, dragons, dwarves, sci fi, etc.

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For the sake of full disclosure, this isn't exactly true.  While it is of course a goal of DoK to keep out the fantasy stuff, the standards are a lot higher than the implication in that sentence.

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Probably a better way to state it is that was one of the original goals, and the standards have been creeping up ever since. :)

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Agreed, I didn't summarize it very well. There is still a plethora of things completely "wrong" from a pure historical replica perspective; no bloomery iron swords, butted mail, stainless armor, machine sewn garments, etc. I have that kind of thing in my head but it doesn't always make it out to the keyboard. :)

Sir Ian certainly raised the bar and set it phenomenally high at the first Days of Knights. There were very few representations of his caliber. It seems DoK2013 was even more impressive, and I can't wait to see who/what 2014 has in the lineup. I haven't heard that the standards have changed, but the quality of the portrayals has certainly creeped up higher and looks to go even further still. And that makes me want to go even more!

As far as the kit recommendations and single vs articulated; I know it's going to sound strange, but don't think of it as much from a financial perspective. Yes, you can save $40 by going with single shoulder vs articulated. However, what do you WANT? If it means your kit costs $2,800 instead of $2,200 to get what you want vs what is cheaper, go for the $2,800 - but give yourself more time to budget for it and assemble it. If you're replicating a specific kit style, don't deviate from it unless you have a non-monetary reason to (personal preference or historical precedence). Or pick up a second job, overtime, sell some unneeded internal organs - whatever options you can pursue.

If you buy it the cheap way at $2,200 and find you aren't happy with parts of it, and then throw pieces in a box and/or buy replacements to something you want instead of what was cheapest, you're not saving much (or any) money. Plus, going slow with it, there is also potential something you want/need for the kit will come up for sale either used or through a vendor sale - and that saves you some money.

There's no deadline on getting a kit finished by a specific date; or is there? :)


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-18, 23:55:32 ---If you buy it the cheap way at $2,200 and find you aren't happy with parts of it, and then throw pieces in a box and/or buy replacements to something you want instead of what was cheapest, you're not saving much (or any) money. Plus, going slow with it, there is also potential something you want/need for the kit will come up for sale either used or through a vendor sale - and that saves you some money.

There's no deadline on getting a kit finished by a specific date; or is there? :)

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Not only this, but you will end up buying your kit OVER again until you are happy.  Trust us, we've all been guilty of this.  Had we just bought what we really wanted and committed the time and money the first time, it would have saved us money in the end, because eventually you WILL get what you want.  It just depends on whether or not you buy it first, or after a long series of mistakes.

My kit is not complete yet, it's still missing some very important parts, and since I went down the path of getting what I really want it's been 3 years in the making due to research and budget.  These things take time.

Sir James is also inflating my kit a little bit, and I appreciate his compliments :) , it may be nice, but compared to other impressions at DoK I would say it fits in just fine, but hardly sets the bar higher than the other offerings.  Especially after this year! 

Sir Ulrich:
I can talk from experience to what Sir Ian is saying, if I had known what I knew now I wouldn't of bought most parts of my older kits. I ended up buying a new custom gambeson wasting money on old premade ones I am never gonna use anymore, I sold my old maille because I wasnt satisfied with it, I ended up rebuying a new sword anyway due to me wanting the top quality goods. I would say the safest route you could take would be to do partially what I did and go for a common footsoldier first then "build it up" from there. Thats what I did then I jumped straight into living history. SCA wise I am not to familiar with though. Get what you really want instead of taking the cheaper route. Believe me it's much more worth to get what you really want and be happy than buy it all over again.

Don Jorge:
If it weren't for all this armor and gambesons purchases in my future and the need for a feder and fencing mask for HEMA I would totally be bidding on this right now....

For all you 14th century people who need a good war sword :)


--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-20, 15:36:25 ---

For all you 14th century people who need a good war sword :)

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That same dude is also selling an Albion Regent and Albion Knight!


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