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MRL Catalog # ??


Sir Wolf:
what is the newest MRL catalog number?  I have one thats #102 is there a newer one? reason i ask is mine has a 15% discount on the cover but says it expires Oct 08. I've had the 15% discount on the last few i've gotten but couldnt remember if there was a newer on out there.  15% would really help on my new great helm.

Sir Edward:

Gosh, I haven't gotten one of the paper catalogs in ages. I haven't ordered often enough.

Sir Wolf:
i got a new Christmas catalog when i got my order. i still can't figure out why MRL has to get rid of every item that is either good, historical or doesn't suck. why do they have to keep the crap and chuck the good stuff?

Sir Edward:

Because it's cheap and sells to the renfaire masses. :)

Sir William:
Exactly...any decent sword they make gets phased out eventually, it is really a shame too.


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