Main > The Courtyard

No fighting for me for a bit.

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So no fighting for me for the immediate future as I may have Post Concussion Syndrome (Not sure what it is, but it sounds bad) and the Orthopedist is sending me to a Neurologist.

What's worse? Had my bosses or trainer done their jobs I would not be here in this situation now.

Sir Edward:

Ouch, I hope you have a smooth recovery. That can't be fun.

Sir James A:
Better to heal and fight again than to fight again and do more damage so you can never fight again. Get well soon.

Yeah, and the day I told my boss that I may have it they company apparently decided to let me go because they need to "cut costs", "all I do is drive", and "they have a new guy they can train up to do my job". They claim the two issues (Costs & PCS) are not linked.

Mind they cut my hours in half a few days after the first accident (yes, 2 weeks ago I got hit in the head by a faulty freight elevator at a customer's building).

The big boss is claiming to not know about me telling my manager about the PCS and claims to not know about the forms they are supposed to fill out by law.

They also claim that in 40 years of operation as a dry cleaners, and with 3 satellite stores, they've never once had a work place accident.

Sometimes I hate Nevada business culture.  >:(

Sir Nate:
that is rough, I hope you recover quickly.


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