Main > The Armoury

Only the best will do, especially chainmail.

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Sir Edward:

8-in-1 makes for a horribly tight pattern, much like the 8-in-2 "double" mail. It sacrifices flexibility while weighing a lot more. 6-in-1 is more practical, but I think any of these tighter patterns are only practical with relatively thin wire.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-14, 14:54:02 ---150? Is it butted mail? The one I was looking at was like 420 bucks :/

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--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-14, 16:18:43 ---150 is definitely butted

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It is butted.
its 160 flat butted.
Ill wait to spend the money for something better. like riveted.


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