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Don Jorge:
Wow I love the information overload! Okay so basically looking for Mild 16 gauge with a satin polish and 14 or 12 gauge great helm...for the transitional kit using the mad matts CoP kit would I need a gambeson (would it need arming points?) and chainmail right? if so how long? and would I need chainmail legs too? I really like Sir Brians Kit and would love more insight as to what it would take to build something like that...btw I already have a tunic and pants from my soft kit (see in the avatar) and I want to get a gambeson that I could use in HEMA but would also be good in my battle kit.

Sir James A:
Great answers from everyone so far, I'm not going to rehash the steels, they have it well covered.

If you buy a mail shirt, you can point your arms directly to it. You'll want points to hang the legs from, though.

If you have plate legs, don't get mail legs as well. Too bulky.

You don't want an excessively padded gambeson. Minimal is better, especially with plate over it. Think of a thick snow suit; not very fun to move around in, you feel "bloated". Too much padding does the same, compounded with mail and plate over top of it. Revival Clothing makes a good off the rack gambeson that is hard to beat without going custom; and they sometimes have an end of year 20% off sale in late December. Sign up for their mailing list and keep an eye open. As a bonus, it'll work for armor and HEMA too.

Don Jorge:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-07, 19:18:33 ---Great answers from everyone so far, I'm not going to rehash the steels, they have it well covered.

If you buy a mail shirt, you can point your arms directly to it. You'll want points to hang the legs from, though.

If you have plate legs, don't get mail legs as well. Too bulky.

You don't want an excessively padded gambeson. Minimal is better, especially with plate over it. Think of a thick snow suit; not very fun to move around in, you feel "bloated". Too much padding does the same, compounded with mail and plate over top of it. Revival Clothing makes a good off the rack gambeson that is hard to beat without going custom; and they sometimes have an end of year 20% off sale in late December. Sign up for their mailing list and keep an eye open. As a bonus, it'll work for armor and HEMA too.

--- End quote ---

Wow only 120 USD and they have stock for a 58 chest (I have a 54 chest...I got to see how accurate their sizing is...will call them and get more info)....I was looking at BadAss Garb but they are really expensive...I understand that is more custom but 230 base plus everything was lots extra! Has anyone bought from Forge of Svan? They had some snazy designs for about 165 USD shipped...

I wonder if that Gambeson is even historically accurate for late 14th century...

I was also looking at the kit looking a bit like this picture with a great helm


Sir William:
Belemrys, I have the exact style of gambeson that I got from Forge of Svan, done in black...for the money, you'll not get better.  They're very communicative and their wares are well made.  I was worried at first at the thinness of the straps but they're very sturdy- I've picked up weight since I got it but haven't had any issues of strap or seam failure.  As I said, for that amount you'll not find anyone who does it better.  For significantly more (Jess Finley for instance) you'll get something much better but this is not a bad option.  Just know that it is more suited for plate than maille as the padding's pretty thin.  No complaints from my end though- and the turnaround time was like a month...considering where its coming from, that's pretty impressive.

On measurements - they'll tell you what they need, make sure they're accurate because Svan will build it to whatever measurements you provide and they'll be spot on, so you'll want to be wearing whatever gear you plan on wearing under it when you do take measurements as it should fit like a second skin and it will- so long as the measurements are accurate.

Sir Edward:

As far as adding mail to the plate harness, something to keep in mind here also is how that changed over the centuries. In the 14th century, the plate armor was worn over a haubergeon. However, in the 15th and 16th, they reduced weight by putting the mail only inside the gaps of the plate armor, instead of wearing a haubergeon and then covering it with plates. This often was comprised of "voiders", which are sections of mail that cover the armpit and often inside the elbow as well, "standards" which are essentially mail gorgets to protect the neck, and mail faulds that are basicaly short skirts to protect the groin and upper thigh area.


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