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Highlander "reboot" has a director, looks like it will actually be produced

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Sir William:
Unless I'm much mistaken, you'll enjoy it.  Some pretty cool sequences and the final fight...well...

Aiden of Oreland:
One Pacific Rim rocks, also saw it twice. I hope they don't make a sequal to it. But anyway, I saw 1 highlander movie and that was enough for me. I think it may have been the main villain that ruined it for me.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-10-30, 14:49:43 ---Anyone see Pacific Rim yet?  Saw it twice, loved it.  Transformers it is not- but I don't think it was supposed to be; rather than me spoil it for you, just see it.  Its onDemand now.

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Ive always been a huge Godzilla fan, speaking of that comes out in may. same company's as pacific rim, different director. (CGI for BIg G is Fantastic) I did love pacific rim.

I have to agree with my brother on the Highlander film, I like the other characters, but the villian was very... Un dynamic.

Sir William:
The Kurgan?  You didn't like the Kurgan?  I thought he was awesome, but then, I'm a fan of the actor, Clancy Brown, so that might have something to do with it.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-11-06, 19:25:51 ---The Kurgan?  You didn't like the Kurgan?  I thought he was awesome, but then, I'm a fan of the actor, Clancy Brown, so that might have something to do with it.

--- End quote ---

I'm thinking they didn't see the original. Possibly the second one, as it was .. lacking. The 3rd and 4th I somewhat liked, but not as good as the original. I've heard they made a 5th movie, which was atrocious. Maybe that's the one they saw?


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