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Tailoring maille chausses

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Sir Ulrich:
Well considering it was yet another disaster with tie in the back chausses this year at DoK, I am done with tie in the back ones. I am now deciding to seal up the back of mine with rings and basically convert them into full leg ones. I have such thin legs to begin with so it should work. Joe Metz gave me the suggestion as thats what he did with his, he even said it tailors much easier due to not being oversized, and he and I are about the same build and size so it should work for me as well. Only small issue I have is the knees are a bit tight, might have to add some extra there, but I only have 9MM rings for this stuff, should still work though cause they're almost the same size. Thankfully I wont have to buy another pair if this should work, still have to work on the feet though, anyone have any suggestions on how to tailor the feet?

Sir Douglas:
I wonder if making little "booties" would work. Like, lace the mail onto a leather sole and have a little bag to put your feet in. Kind of like regular cloth chausses. Has anyone ever tried this?

Sir Ulrich:
I'd consider that if I didnt hate leather soles to begin with. Leather soles tend to make me slip and fall so I actually use lugged ones, I could always use a pair of separate shoes for the chausses and keep them sewn to the chausses themselves once I tailor the feet, only issue would be tying the shoes with the maille over it.

Sir Douglas:
You might be able to do the same thing with lugged soles if you can find them by themselves. Or rip them off a pair of old, cheap shoes or something.

In theory, it would be like a mail shoe, but my main concern is would it work in practice since mail has a give to it that leather or canvas doesn't. The question then becomes would it hold together tightly enough to stay on your feet the way it should, or would there be too much give that you'd just end up flopping around like you were wearing a pair of scuba flippers?

Sir Ulrich:
I think I may just use some old or cheap boots to rivet the maille directly to to keep it from flopping around, I could use period shoes for it or a set of normal shoes. I'd prefer period shoes but I may just get another pair, sew some arming points to them and point the maille's feet to them and use my other set of shoes for soft kit. And the good news is my 9MM maille rings work fine with the 8MM maille chausses. Sealing them up will be done soon enough and pointing them to the feet will be the hardest part honestly cause all the ties ever do is go undone.


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