Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
LEGO Castles by Bob Carney
Sir Douglas:
I don't know if you guys have seen this already, but I was poking around for floor plans of castles and ran across this:
As someone who has fond memories of playing with LEGOs as a child (and would probably still play with them if you offered), I thought it was kind of neat. He's made quite a number of LEGO castles, and some of them are pretty in-depth.
Sir James A:
I want some of those!
Sir Edward:
Wow, I had seen that before, but completely forgot about it. Some of those are very elaborate.
Sir Nate:
lego never changes.
I have a lego medieval village with 2 forts 1 castle many soldiers.
a wall attachment to lego helms deep, lego weathertop.
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