Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Mike Loads Meme
Sir Nate:
Oh no, Mike loades is here.
Apparently mike loades just did something for assassins creed Black Flag.
Sir James A:
Mike Loades was a weapons and combat consultant for AC4: Black Flag.
He also consulted for Rome II: Total War, which if you're familiar with the Total War series makes a legitimate attempt at being historically respectful.
He's not in these, but he directed them:
Aiden of Oreland:
You know, Romens were always ahead of their time in my opinion. They had superior pluming systems. A superior army that in my opinion could conquer any army. They were also very clean, and ate well. There architecture was unmatched lol. Could build a bridge in one day. They even had a democracy! To bad that they were regardless of life. Wiped out a whole species of lions for their entertainment. But one of the key things that madetheir army so strong was loyalty and "I shall die for Rome" attitude. Thejy trained very much like our modern military. Heck, where do you think we get it from, and our democracy.
"They even had a democracy!"
Watch HBO's Rome with the All Roads Lead To Rome option turned on. It'll change your mind on a lot of that.
Besides, they didn't have Democracy but a Republic, then a Tyrant, then an Emperor.
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