Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Mike Loads Meme

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Aiden of Oreland:
We could start a whole new internet meme about Mike Loads. Such "Mike Loads, with a stapler" or "Mike Loads with rubber duck" and just take images of him and photo shop the random objects in lol. I think it would be funny because of the way he describes how effective everything he touches. As long as you know who Mike Loads is and knows how he acts then you might get it.

Sir Nate:
Mike loades is always being bad donkey in his videos, give him any medieval related item he will find a way to kill 100 people with it and most likely explain to you how unique that weapon is while killing you with it.
Example " as you can see the medieval fishing rod was a very useful tool especially if you were attacked by maurauders"  as he hooks your throat with it.
I hope this meme sky rockets one day

Aiden of Oreland:
We will make it so brother, for it is yet to exist.

Sir Edward:
Entirely doable. All that is needed is a whole slew of photos of him holding various medieval tools.

Don Jorge:
Who is Mike?


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