Main > The Armoury

Heraldic Design

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Sir Douglas:
Yeah, it something you don't really want to rush. Take your time until you come up with something you're happy with and that you feel represents you well enough. When I did my arms, I didn't really know a whole lot about the symbolism behind heraldry at the time, so it's rather basic and probably doesn't represent me as a person as well as it could (though fortunately, I am able to fudge it a little and "backwards-symbolize" it). I could always change it, I suppose, but I've worn it to the point where it just feels "normal" to me.

I also hadn't found this forum yet, which would have been a nice resource to have, so if you have any questions or need any help, don't be afraid to ask. :)

Sir James A:
Some very good points made and advice given. I don't have much else to add, but here's a link that explains how I came up with mine:

Sir Edward:

The good news is that you can always change it, or add to it later. It's just harder to do later, after you've painted shields and made banners.

It's also good news that the surcoat doesn't have to match the heraldry. It's really the shield that matters. Surcoats can be completely different, or incorporate some of the design, or rearrange it. Those were all done back in the day. So even if you update it later, you can repaint a shield or make a new one, and keep using some of your other gear that you already have.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-10-09, 13:43:12 ---So even if you update it later, you can repaint a shield or make a new one, and keep using some of your other gear that you already have.

--- End quote ---

Hmm, "or make a new one" ... spoken perfectly as a "you can make more than one kit!" suggestion. You beat me to it on that one.

Sir Nate:
Ive just decided to go off the uniform desighn of an old playmobile ive had since, well it's one of my earliest memories.


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