Main > The Armoury

Will 2014 be the year of the Black Knight of the Order of the Marshal?

(1/4) > >>

Sir James A:
Maybe! At least for MDRF 2014.

I'm 1/3 of the way there. I *love* this armor. Heat treated, blackened, carbon steel. It is *light*. And black armor with red straps? Drooool. :D I don't think I could fight in this armor - if I scratch up the blackened finish I'll be a sad knight!

Pardon the mundanes. I'm just excited and it's not a full harness... yet. :)

Bigger pic:


Sir Patrick:
Oooohh!  I like that!!

Lord Dane:
Me too!!! Two black knights making an Order appearance. :)

Sir Brian:
Sir James please don't take this in the wrong context but you Sir have some SEXY legs! :)

Very nice!  Who made 'em?


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