Main > The Round Table
Pay it forward
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2013-09-30, 03:11:54 ---How about Ruth's Chris? :)
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I won't complain if someone pays for my steak there. ;)
Tomorrow if the government doesn't pass a budget I start working for no pay, so I'll go 2nd in the line at Ruth's Chris :)
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-09-28, 01:56:42 ---How do they know what I plan on getting??
--- End quote ---
Order is already made at the drive-through before reaching the window, so it's just the next order on their list.
I've heard something similar about Starbucks. People order their coffee, and a second "suspended". When somebody homeless / can't pay for their coffee comes in, they ask if there are any "suspended" coffees or meals - which are the ones prepaid by other people who never know who they are buying it for.
It's a great gesture!
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